Customer Testimonials

From Robert Fidler - Fidler Consulting

We have done business with both Brindley Construction, LLC and Brindley & Associates for over 40 years. All of our dealings have been totally acceptable and always conducted in a professional and business like manner.

Specifically, we have dealt with Brindley & Associates in managing all types of housing properties from market rate multifamily to HUD assisted affordable housing to tax credit complexes to assisted living facilities specializing in care for the elderly. Our experience has been totally satisfactory and we would recommend the Brindley team to manage any type of multifamily property, maximizing the greatest potential for the property being competitive with other proprieties in the same markets.

It is our pleasure to recommend the Brindley team to help bring a property to market and to maximize the best return for the owners.

From Chris Beckman, President - Loretto Lions Retirement Home

“Proactive management that provides us a worry free, successful property. Enough communication so that we know where we stand, but are not bothered with the day to day decision making."